Thursday, May 4, 2017


Why was I blocked?
Why was I un-friend?
Why only me? 
Why was I only targeted?

Following Day
Account deactivated; I don't know

Please don't be changed for me? 
What did I do?
What lacked my friendship?

7 Days Later
Don't irritate me
I wanted to change from beginning
I don't know; don't come in between

First Month
It is better to value other rather than you

Second Month
You were one sided
You were risky

Third Month
I don't want any friends

Fourth Month
Why did you humiliate me?

Fifth Month
Why interference?
Family and Personal Life
What will you do?

Ninth Month
Unrealistic and Impractical

Who are you? How far have I known you?
You are no one from the beginning.
What do you think?

Had the truth come out the same day
I would have solved the same day
I would have understood, and confronted
I would have confessed and moved ahead
And let you move ahead with necessary suggestions

No one would have been broken and hurt
No one would have been risky
Who was the player beyond all this?
Where did friendship go?
For what cause it did happen?

Still not answered! Still confused!
Still in a mess!
Then why would mistakes not appear?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Anything done with the good intention
Does resemble you are wrong

The mistakes are endured
And consequences reveals immediately

Yet hold on, and do not lose patience
Because it is better to be bitter

Losing your own value for a time
May create positive life moves afterwards

Lamentation and regrets you have
Will become vital lesson to others

You proved to be good someday
You proved to be bad some bad day

Yet you may be easy going someday
Because you confess when you are convicted

You were forced to be confused
From the beginning

The key to solution was not with you
They were hidden somewhere inside the womb

Never knew, had I lied/ ignored/ not confessed/ not notified
I would have escaped – but morally would be wrong lifetime

Hardships were never justified
That wasn't even not for me

But accreditation was handed in the palm of another
I was left aweful, alone, and beggar of good thoughts

Yes I remained, a culprit

Several attempts were made to confront and confess
But  ...
No, transition phase of my time shifted
From positive to negatives

No one cares? Who cares?
What is on one's mind?

Cheating - Betrayal - Mistakes - Lies
From once told best buddy to a no one?
From Friend-In to Friend-Out automatically
Messed and Confused !!! No clues!