Friday, September 9, 2016

                 "FINAL NOTE: Would Be Like"

Wet eyes
And a blank mind;

Hollow soul
And a weak heart;

This life is complete now
And want to change it;

Want to be lost
In nowhere;
It's over...

Perhaps, I have accumulated enough reason, to not to be here. The worst choice in the perspective of people and the best choice for myself, I think they both have coincided. Maybe, time should not be so destitute now and leave me waiting for so long before it ends. Just one thing for the best move now I lack is, which I mentioned earlier i.e. I have a weak heart. Absolutely, I have a weak heart and therefore the time plays with it in a sequential order, people plays with it - no matter how dearest they were to me, to my subconscious mind and blooded heart; every moment. Even the earth's orbiting makes me feel irritating these days. So forget about, what made me feel with pleasures, such pleasures makes me go absolutely mad and I start hating everything. I have been a futile creature over long time now, and hopes become bleaker and blank to me.