Saturday, November 19, 2016

ha d ...
ha d cfo{#f^sf] %]j}df a;]/
ToxL lrtfsf] cfuf] tfK%"
nfU%, To;n] dnfO{ af]nfO{ /x]sf] %

ha ToxL &fpm+df a;]/
a]n"sLsf] cf/tL w"g ;"G%"
nfU%, d ToxL w"gx?df u"d x"+b}%"

ha d cfo{#f^sf] nf;x?nfO{ x]{%"
lk+*f dfly lk+*f vflkG% d]/f] dl:tisdf
clg nfU%, d]/f] an]sf] nfzsf] cfuf] s;}n] tfk]sf] x"G%

cfh ef]ln nfU%, d u"d x"+b}%"
nfU%, d lk+*fsf] sfqf]dfq} cf*\b} %"
nfU%, d ToxL w"gx?df dfq} x/fO{ /x]sf] x"G%"

ha d=======================

For a peace in this heart
I try to explore hundreds of miles

For the eternal happiness
I try to work till death with fullest dedication

Millions of bubbles of thoughts
That pours in this mind

Hundreds of thousands of feelings
I did never shared

Billions of words to utter to thy
I always swallowed to myself

And yet with broken pieces of heart
I smile endlessly

Because I am alone
And I am just alive

There's no one who even know
And there's no one who cared for

Therefore, million times I dumped
My thoughts and feelings and emotions and words

Into the unknown basket
That vanished with time

Yet I advocated thy belongings
To held her head high always, no matter what

With pride, respect, value and acknowledgements
Sincerely and with dedications

Towards who, today thy is
In front of whatever comes ahead

Because I was and am alone
Yet I am just alive

A futile smile and with a fragile heart
But with supernatural power of thoughts

I presumed thy as my best one
In short time, short moment we endured

Time passed by, it passes by and this life perishes shortly
Remembrances poured and poured and poured

Like the blood circulation
Continuous, and tireless and restlessly

Because I was and am alone: And yet I am just alive !!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

d/]/ af+Rg" clg, af+r]/ dg"{sf] lk+*f
klg ef]u]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

k|To]s lbg, d/]/ af+Rg" clg
af+r]/ dg"{sf] lk+*f, klg ef]u]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

k|To]s lbg, cfvfleqsf] cf+z'
aufp+b} ;"sfp+b} ;f+Rg"sf] lk+*f, klg ef]u]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

k|To]s lbg,
d"^" lgrf]l/g" clg
dl:tis layf]lng"sf] lk+*f
klg ;x]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

k|To]s lbg clg /ft,
clgwf] a;]/, pm ghfpGh]n
cfkm' h:tf] kl/l:yltdf ePklg
;fy / ;xof]u lbG%" elg ;f]r]/ klg
lt/:sf/ ;lxt PlSng" kg]{sf] lk+*f
klg ;x]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

k|To]s /ftx?,
ltd|f %nx? ;x]/
cfkm}af^ ulNt x"g" To;kl% ;hfo kfpg"sf] lk+*f
klg ef]u]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL

%f]^f] ;dodf,
ltd|f kfOnf kfOnfdf cj;/sf] dfnf u"Yb} ubf{
ltdL / pm aLrdf k"Ug"sf] lk+*f
klg vk]++ d}n]]+ ;fyL

To;}sf/)f t,
cfkm" x"g", cfkm" sdhf]/ x"g" clg cfkm" g/xg"sf] lk+*f
leq leq} klg
cndlnP+ d ;fyL

w]/} s"/f u"dfO{;Sbf klg
cem} PSNofO lbg"kg]{
clg ldqtf em\ofpm nfu]/ cfkm" af]em x"g"sf] lk+*f
klg vk]++ d}n]]+ ;fyL

clg cGTodf,
cs}{;+u uPb]lv gkmls{g"
clg cfkm" k"/fgf ofbx? ;Dem]/ cfp+% elg klv{g"sf] lk+*f

klg ;x]+ d}n]]+ ;fyL  ...