Saturday, February 18, 2023


 Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{ ;'/Iff r'gf}tL — Ps k|Zg .

Jeevan Dahal (JeevDsk)


cy{tGqsf] k|d"v d]?b08 eg]sf] Jofkf/ xf] . Jofkf/nfO{ Ps ;fdfGo b[lZ6sf]0faf6 kl/eflift ubf{, j:t' tyf ;]jfsf] dfu / cfk"lt{df lglxt /x]/ qm]tf / ljqm]tf dfem ljlgdosf] k|s[of ;+rfng x'g' xf], eGg] a'lemG5 .

Jofkf/ k|d"vt M Joj;fo ;+rfng ug]{ JolQm ljz]if, ;+:yf÷ ;+u7g ljz]if, ;d'x ljz]if, sDklg ljz]if, ;/sf/ ljz]if nufot cGoaf6 ;+rflnt /x]sf] x'G5 . Jofkf/sf] k|j[tL, ljwf, sfo{If]q, ahf/, cflb km/s km/s eP h:t} Joj;flox?sf] klg cf–cfkm\g} k|sf/ / ljz]iftf /x]sf] x'G5 . t;y{, Joj;flo Joj;fo ;+rfngsf kfq x'g\ eg] pgLx?4f/f ;+rflnt Joj;fo Jofkf/sf] cleGg c+u jf d'6' xf] . To;}n] Jofkf/, Joj;fo / Joj;flox?sf] ljifonfO{ Wofgdf /fVb} g]kfndf Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{'sf r"gf}ltx? dWo]sf] PsnfO{ lh1f;f ;lxt p7fg ug{ rfx]sf] 5' .

clnslt k[i6e"ldaf6 z'? u/f}F,

dfgj ;Eotf lasf;sf k|d"v r/x? dWo] Jofkf/ Ps k|d"v r/ xf] / To;}af6 lasl;t xF'bf xF'b} cfhsf] lasl;t ljZj ;d'bfo;Dd cfO{k'Ubf klg Jofkf/g} k|d"v r/ /x]sf] dfGg ;lsG5 . o:t} g]kfndf Jofkf/ tyf Joj;fosf] nfdf] Oltxf; /x]sf] ;j{ljlwt g} 5 . To;}n] g]kfndf ljleGg sfnv08, hglhjg, /xg – ;xg, df}lnstf, ef}uf]lns agfj6, k|zf;g, ;/sf/ / sfg"gsf] k/Llw leq /x]/ ztflAbof}F b]lv dflg;n] Joj;fo ;+rfng ub}{ cfO/x]sf 5g\ .

cfhsf] lasl;t ;dfh ÷ ljZjnfO{ x]bf{ ;g\ !(*) sf] bzs b]lv Jofkf/ Ps b]zLo, l4b]zLo, ax'b]zLo x'Fb} cGt{/fli6«o ahf/df v'nf ePsf] kfOPsf] 5 . laZj cy{tGqdf ljleGg wgL /fi6« tyf o'4df xf]ldPsf /fi6«x?n] Liberal Economy / Globalization h:tf gLltx? ckgfpg k'u] . To;sf] k|efjaf6 g]kfn klg c5'tf] g/x]sf] a'em\g ;lsG5 . o; cy{ g]kfndf klg /fli›o tyf cGt{/fli›o sfg"gsf] dfGotf leq /x]/ v'nf cy{ Joj:yf cyf{t\ Open Economynfu" ePsf] a'em\g ;lsG5 . ;Dejt M g]kfndf @)$^÷$&, @)^@÷^#, / tTkZrft\ @)&@ sf] ;+lawfg hf/L nufotsf 36gfqmdn] /fhgLlts Joj:yf ;Fu;Fu} /fHo ;+/rgf, r]tgfsf] :t/ tyf Jofkf/sf gofF cfofdx? klxlnFb} uPsf] dxz'; ug{ ;lsG5 .

;g\ !($& sf] hgj/L ! df hGd ePsf] GATT cyf{t\ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade b]lv ;g\ !((% df ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7g cyf{t WTO (World Trade Organization) df kl/0ft x'Fbf g]kfn /f0ffsflng zf;gaf6 k|hftGq, km]/L k~rfotsflng cj:yf / cGTodf ;+a}wflgs /fhtGq / ax'blno Joj:yfdf cfO{;s]sf] lyof] . Industrial Era af6 Technical & Technological Era df 5nfª df/]sf] ljZj / To;sf] k|efjaf6 ;g\ @))# sf] Cancún Ministrial Conference, Mexico af6 ;g\ @))$ clk|n @# b]lv WTO k|j]z u/]sf] g]kfnn] ljZj ahf/df cfkm\gf] Joj;flos Platform agfpg] cj;/ kfPsf] lyof] .

;g\ @)@@, cyf{t\ WTO sf] ;b:otf k|fKt u/]sf] emG8} b'O{ bzs laTb} ubf{ ljZj ahf/df g]kfnL ;fdfgsf] ahf/ lx:;f, u"0f:t/, k|lt:kwL{ Ifdtf nufot g]kfnsf] Jofkf/, cfoft lgof{tsf] ;du| l:ylt s:tf] / lsg 5, o;sf] R & D ;lxtsf] bfloTj jxg s;n] s;/L u5{g\ t g]kfnL gLlt lgdf{tf (Policy Maker), sfo{Gjogstf{ (Implementer), cg'df]bgstf{ (Executor) / hfFrstf{ (Checker) x?n] < cfhsf] ;do;Dd cfO{k'Ubf of] k|Zg ;do ;fGble{s eP ;Fu;Fu} hjfkm eg] r'gf}lt lglxt hl6n klg 5 . To;}sf/0f /fhgLltsf] ;du| j[t leq g]kfnsf] cy{, pBd / Jojofo ;dofg's'n ultzLntfsf cfwf/df (Historically Expected Dynamic Basis) ;+s'lrt eO{ Mislead klg ePsf] a'em\g ;lsG5 / logsf laljw sf/0fx? x'g ;Sb5g\, lglZrt ?kdf 5g\ klg .

;fdfGot M /fHosf] sfg"g ljkl/t gx'g] u/L, pkef]Qmfsf] lxt ;+/lIft x'g] u/L / s'g} cj}w wGbf gePsf] Jofkf/ ug'{ Jofkf/Lsf] st{Ao xf] h;df /fHo, gful/s / :o+d\ Jofj;flo ul/ qLklIfo kmfObf /x]sf] x'G5 . o:tf] k|s[ltsf] h'g;'s} Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{ /fHon] cfkm\gf] sfg"g agfPsf] x'G5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df, g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@ n] To:tf] Jofkf/ ug{ s'g} /f]s 5]s ljgf ;+rfng ug{ kfpg] pNn]v ePtf klg ;+lawfgd} cnUu} eg] :ki6 Joj:yf u/]sf] kfOPsf] 5}g t/ k'/s sfg"gx? eg] agfOPsf 5g\ . x'g ;Sb5 of gx'g ;Sb5 To:tf] vfsf jf Joj:yf jf :ki6 pNn]v sxLF st} ;+ljwfgsf] k[i6 leq /x]sf] 5 h'g n]vssf gh/df k/]gg\ .

Dffly plNnlvt k[i6e"ldx?nfO{ :d/0f ub}{, d Pp6f ;fgf] lh1f;' k|Zg ug{ rfxG5',, ;fdfGo cj:yf eP /x]sf] v08df g]kfnsf :yflgo 7fpFmx?df Pp6f Joj;flo Jofkf/Ln] slt ah] b]lv / ;Dd cfkm\gf] Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{ kfpF5g\ < olb ;f] Jofkf/ Joj;flosf] lhljsf]kfh{gsf] k|d'v >f]t /x]5 eg], s] p;n] @$ ;} 306f cfkm\gf] Jofkf/ ;+rfng ug{ kfpF5 ls kfpFb}g < olb gkfO{g] /x]5 eg] Mind your own business eGg] c+u|]hL zAbsf] lasf; x'g ;Sg] lyPg . olb, /ftsf] ;dodf ;xL / ;'/lIft tj/af6 Jofkf/ ug{ gkfO{g] ;Defljt sf/0fx? dWo] gful/ssf] lgb|f vnn, xf] xNnf, rf]/L, 8s}lt, ;+ul7t ck/fw h:tf sf/0fx? /x]5g\ eg], s'g cj:yfdf /fHosf] ;'/Iff lgsfon] ;'/Iff lbg] /x]5g\ < k|Zg t]l;{G5 . pbfx/0fsf nflu, g]kfn aGbsf] cfXjfg ePsf] cj:yfdf Joj;flox?sf] Jofkf/ ;+rfng ug{sf] lgldQ / ;'/Iff ;'lglZrttfsf nflu u[x tyf :yflgo k|zf;gn] lj1lKt lgsfNg] u5{g\ / ;'/IffsdL{ t}gfy klg ul/Psf] x'G5 h;df tf]8kmf]8 cfuhgL rf]/L h:tf sfo{ ePsf] cj:yfdf Ifltsf] k"lt{ cyf{t\ lhDd]jf/L s;}af6 lnOFb}g -k|zf;g g t aGb cfXjfgstf{ — i.e. Open at your own risk_ t/ Joj;flon] cfkm\gf] lhljsf]kfh{gsf] lglDt @$ ;} 306f Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{ rfxG5g\ eg] /ftsf] ;dodf ToxL ;'/Iff lgsfo - gu/ k|x/L ÷;+3 dftxtsf k|x/L _ cfP/ aGb ug{ nufpF5g\ . lsg < k|Zg km]/L klg cfpF5 . of] s]jn ;fdfGo b[Z6fGt dfq geP/ Pp6f Trend klg ePsf] sf/0f p7fg ul/Psf] hl6n ljifoj:t' klg xf] . o;df s] klg s'/f ;Fu;u} cfpF5 eg], gful/ssf] ;'/Iff ug'{, gful/ssf] cfo cfh{gsf] bfo/f a9fpg' jf a9\g lbg', /fHosf] sfg'gsf] bfo/f leq /xL Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;+rfng ug{', u/fpg' jf ug{ lbg' /fHosf] bfloTj ePsf] / ;f] bfloTjsf] ;'lglZrttf /fHosf] d'n sfg'g tyf k'/s sfg'gn] u/]sf] x'G5 t/ hgtf / ltgsf Joj;fosf] ;'/Iff rf;f]df eg] /fHo / k|zf;gsf] r':ttf o; dfg]df lje]bsf/L ePsf] dxz'; x'G5 .

Jofkf/Lsf nflu lbg b'O{ u'0ff / /ft rf} u'0ff x'G5 . olb Jofkf/ Joj;fo @$ ;} 306f rnfodfg /xG5 eg] lglZrt ?kdf pBd, snsf/vfgf, ko{6g, lasf; lgdf{0f, s[lif h:tf If]qdf klg /f]huf/L k|ToIf l;h{gf eO{ Pj+ k|sf/n] hgtfsf] cfosf] bfo/f km/flsnf] x'g uO{ cfDbfgL a9\g'sf] ;fy} To;sf] rs|Lo k|efjaf6 pgLx?sf] qmo zlQm a9\b5 / la:tf/} rnfodfg cy{nGqaf6 ;anLs/0f x'Fb} /fHosf] 9's'6L klg dha't x'G5 . vf;df pb]s nfUbf] ;To s] 5 eg] g]kfndf cyfx >f]t ;fwg xF'bf x'Fb} klg Jofkf/ Joj;fo, ;+3 ;+:yf, a}+lsË, ladf, pBf]u, snsf/vfgf, lasf; lgdf{0f, s[lif h:tf /fHonfO{ ;du| ?kdf lasf;sf] ult k|bfg ug]{ Productive and Proactive Variables ;+rfng ug]{ jftfj/0f /fHo :t/s} ;'/Iff r"gf}tL, JofKt e|i6frf/ tyf ckl/kSj /fhgLltsf sf/0f l;lh{t 5 . Rectification in Time sf] e'ldsf ;a}n] ;DalGwt 7fFpmaf6 u/] lasl;t g]kfnsf] kl/sNkgf lgs6 eljZodf ;fsf/ x'g] lyof] .

WfGojfb .

Saturday, March 13, 2021


of] a;Gtsf] aiff{t

clg df6f]sf] ;'uGw             .

dnfO{ dgk5{ eg'F

wtL{ / cfsfz aLr ldn]sf] 5Gb       ..


d aUb5' efjgfdf

dGqd'Ub ;+uLt;Fu              .

d e'mNb5' PsfGtdf

lgofNb} ;'sf]dn wtL{sf] cË     ..

of] a;Gtsf] aiff{t, clg df6f]sf] ;'uGw ..

v'n]sf cfsfzdf 6Ns]sf lxdfn

xl/of jg}df k'mn]sf nfln             .

d s'b\b5 d]/} uf]/]6fx?

lx8\gnfO{ lhjgsf psfnL cf]/fnL ..

of] a;Gtsf] aiff{t, clg df6f]sf] ;'uGw ..

gj jif{, gofF pdË

emNs]sf d]/f d'6' el/           .

e'n]/ k'/fgf aftx?

d slNkG5' ;+of]u 3l/ 3l/       ..

of] a;Gtsf] aiff{t, clg df6f]sf] ;'uGw             .

dnfO{ dgk5{ eg'F, wtl{ / cfsfz aLr ldn]sf] 5Gb  ..

Thursday, September 17, 2020

dnfO{ dfkm u/, d]/f] ;do ltld

xhf/, lgbf]{z cfvf¤x?df

d}n] gh/ nufP¤sL                     .

xhf/, w*\sg] lbnx?df

d}n] lvn ljemfP¤sL                     ..

xhf/, /ut\ aUg] d'^'x?df

d}n] kfgf ;lDem sf]/]¤sL                  ...

dnfO{ dfkm u/, d]/f] ;do ltld

dnfO{ dfkm u/, d]/f] ;do ltld ===

d cfhsfn cfkm\g} ;ldIff ug{ yfn]sf] %'       .

dnfO{ dfkm u/, d]/f] ;do ltld

d cfhsfn cfkm\g} lhGbuLsf] /ldtf aGg yfn]sf %'     ..

From Jeev Dsk

Midnight Creation - 12:00 A.M Midnight

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

"माैसमका बेमाैसमि स्वादहरू"

माैसमका बेमाैसमि स्वादहरू
उमेरैमा लागेका जवानिका उन्मादहरू

साेच्दैछु, म अाज
कुन समयकाे खहरेले बगाएर लग्याे ?
जिन्दगिका इन्द्रेणिझैँ देखिने
कुन रङ्गिचङ्गि भ्रमहरूका याेवनले ठग्याे ?

जीवन भित्रका लाखाैँ कराेडाैँ रहरहरू
जीवन भित्र जीवन जिउने कलाहरू
कसैकाे स्वप्नदाेषले लत्पतिएकाे मुटु भित्र
अत्यासलाग्दाे हुरिबतासझैँ जिन्दगानि उँडाइ लियाे

माैसमका बेमाैसमि स्वादहरू
उमेरैमा लागेका जवानिका उन्मादहरू

झट्ट छिचाेलेर बसन्तका प्रहरहरू
रात - साँझ - बिहानि अनि दिनहरू
यसै यसै बित्दैछन् बिताउँदैछन्
मेरा मस्तिष्कमा छुरा राेपिएका यी घायल भावनाहरू

कारण, कारूणिक कारकहरूका विवश कारणहरू
मसगँ नितान्त अलग्गिएका ती संवेदनाहरू
थिच्दा थिच्दै निसास्सिएका मनका श्वासहरू
बुझाई र भाेगाईका ज्ञान चक्र भित्र लट्पट्टिएका मेरा जिवनहरू

साेच्दैछु, म अाज
कुन समयकाे खहरेले बगाएर लग्याे ?

माैसमका बेमाैसमि स्वादहरू
उमेरैमा लागेका जवानिका उन्मादहरू ।।

- By Jeevan Dahal (JeevDsk)

Sunday, September 8, 2019


From, Jeevan Dahal (JeevDsk)

Time is a valuable thing!
#Lyrics of a song by “Linkin’ Park”

Sometimes the wry smiles over the wrinkled face at some tough situations do not make anything better, and sometimes the same thing does.
Like the smile of Kane Williamson at the #CWC2019 finals at the last 4th ball of the tournament.
#Ben Stokes Vs #Trent Boult

So, here’s the time for thou wise persona of the human civilization, that choices keeps you fit while hopes let you live for tomorrow.

Sometimes we need to leave the dream to live the reality.

You know,
Who would have thought John Maynard Keynes’s theory will be replaced along with the passage of time while in 1932-1942 decade he was pushed up by Harry Dexter White of the US Treasury Department to the pioneer nobelist.
#One of the Greatest Theory of Economics for “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936 A.D” of 20th Century
And then again successfully turned the US Economy the most powerful of the Earth then and afterwards up to the 20th Century alone and cover bigger stake at the UNO & and many more multilateral institutions of all the economy.

I wonder the Time! The Choices! Again and again!

Let this be one of the powerful messages right now! Because, I have no expectations of the tomorrows’ dusk – “The Beautiful or The Hell”.

Who would have thought the most powerful British Empire of the Universe would Brexit? Amidst, again the British may flourish over one day again in the future. There’s nothing uncertain.

I am amazed today with the possibility! Again!

Sometimes, someone’s miseries would become someone’s happiness and someone’s happiness would become someone’s miseries. Never know what. We have both – experienced & witnessed such incidences many times until the life journey.

Even now there are millions of Florence Nightingale, but where, how, what for, who on the Earth? A very difficult, in fact no one on Earth might be thinking this right now, right at the pin point of moment. On the blink of eyes they may have forgotten since several lives have been created; generations after generations have been replaced and there must absolutely be no doubt every creature even the nature would replace and reinitiate at certain date, there is absolutely no doubt, or is there?

In the world, the happiness is inevitable, the miseries, sorrows, wars, and peace and again the aftermath scars & happiness; these all are inevitable. So dreams are inevitable, choices are inevitable, hopes alive – found – lost – regained are also very much inevitable.

One thing in the Earth where Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ and so many divine people conveyed their message of love, peace and freedom, time and again civilization’s struggle to come forth became inevitable from ages to ages.

Someday, during the independence of the “Bharat”, Mahatma Gandhi was inevitable and for his (Gandhi’s) replacement, Nathuram Godse’ was also inevitable. Someday, ‘Napoleon Bonaparte’ was inevitable and someday ‘Jean Jacques Roussow’ was also inevitable. Someday, in the history, the creation of Berlin Wall was inevitable and someday it was meant to be torn into pieces like a paper sheet. Likewise, someday, Adolf Hitlar was inevitable and someday he justified himself choosing suicide.

Someday, the discovery of Columbus was a desperate need, rather a fantasy; simply the exploration was inevitable but someday it may disappear from us. Someday, the birth of celestial aviation from Wright Brothers was inevitable and someday, its collapse and replacement will be inevitable.

The Adam, The Eve’s evolution was inevitable but the extinction of whole the flourished civilization would also be inevitable. Remember!

I wonder for that someday! Again!

The human civilization is whole a pendulum swinged to and fro like the law of motion of Sir Isaac Newton; is the law of time; and it practices, examines, passes and fails no matter what. Time too fails! Yet it keeps ticking until it does. Patience will no more be patience one day and it shall break down. So like the ecstasy, agony, feelings, emotions, masculinity, man-made or the madness of the nature.

I wonder why the whole things are set up! Again!

The vengeance of eclipse and the vengeance of the bright sunshine are straight forward and gravitationally beloved with the time as someday they may fade away as well.

Back to the pavilion,
Who would have known the third pole of the earth, the mighty Mt. Everest existed right here standing tall? Strange, how on Earth there existed more of a depth of Everest beneath the fathom of the Oceans?

Now, in the left side and right side of my mind ticked,
Why on Earth,
The Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Growth
The Sustainable Nature
The Sustainable Economy
The Sustainable Civilization
The Sustainable Planet, etc. etc. etc.,
And many more et cetera, now and why not before?

Late realization! Eh…
Or thank you for being late?
Or thank you, just thank you for now?

Because you never know the future; you may count and predict. You are just doing that and in the course of doing so you are ignoring who you are in the long term. You quantify and then derive. That’s awful. That’s not benevolent & fair.

Therefore, without much excuse,

I wonder the time!
I wonder the nature!
I wonder the history!
I wonder the civilization!
I wonder space! Vacuum!!
I wonder human emotions!
I wonder the science and discovery!
I wonder exploration!
I wonder the persona!
I wonder they! They, they in mass.
I wonder you! You in person.
And, I wonder myself! Myself, inside me.

Again and again and again! To be just and just true,
                        To the perceptions,
                        To the reality
                        To the SACRIFICES, CHOICES & DREAMS!

#DSKInfoInc. @10:30 pm

Friday, March 23, 2018


So and so much proud & happy
You engaged & you’d get married soon
It was inevitable
I knew it, you knew it, and everybody knew it

But, would you mind thinking?
While you were a girl – well educated & professional; independent
You had a lot of friends, peer circles & your best friend
Hanging, motivating, supporting & caring you because you simply are

Would you mind thinking?
For the sake & interest fulfillment of someone’s bad intention
To play with his own spouse’s emotions, sentiments & “SINDUR”
Just because you’re a girl & you’re in the Motels sleeping next room

Physically very near & close everywhere
Would you mind thinking?
What if your spouse, plays or makes some other girl
Play with your emotions, sentiments & “SINDUR” you wear for your spouse?

Would you mind thinking?
If someone’s spouse for the sake of fulfilling his unwanted desires
Chases you in the hotels & restaurants to attract attention
And talks behind you; about your character, morality & relationships with his friends & colleagues
And attack you in your then perfect day – YOUR BIRTHDAY?

Again, would you mind thinking?
When the one friend, who believed & supported you each moment, each step
Even not being physically near, always cared for being you
Ignoring, blocking & lying at every time – everywhere & every second chance

Would you mind thinking?
Your headaches, your busy-ness, your priorities, your moralities & values
While chatting with someone’s spouse till 02 A.M midnight
And what if, your spouse does the same to you
Leaving you, ignoring you and talking to some girl until 02 A.M. midnight, every night?

Would you mind thinking?
About your father, mother, brothers, sister-in-laws & best friends circle
When they say your corporate affairs are unhealthy & would result bad
And you’d better go for intentional #ManWhore’s option; Pervert & Ethically Fraud?

Would you mind thinking?
About your friends’ circle, who used to organize events?
Because you’ll temporarily be unavailable with them
That was the best care & love for you only
To whom you say jealous they are to you; just because being with unethical fraud person

Would you mind thinking?
When your friend was kneeling & begging for your friendship at hard times?
Amidst knowing all your childish act, foolish play & influenced by so called your
Boyfriend at Alice Restaurants and so on …
To interpret your truest friend a one – sided and so on …

Would you mind thinking?
The tears & toils of your father to grow you up
And spun your relation with someone he doesn’t know enough
How would me like your brother made fun time & again when begged?
And offer fantasy with the #ManWhore #Bastard – Someone’s spouse #RajeshPokharel

Would you mind thinking?
Why .. For What Cause .. For Whom?
You failed in your friendship, your morality, your values?
Your parental care & love?

Even now, I’m more than happy – In fact more than you
For your Achievements – Your growth
Your development & your progresses
Your engagement & your marriage; even I’m not near – NOT PHYSICALLY NEAR

Sunday, March 18, 2018


s;}sf] j]Zof nf]Ug];u+ 2 lbg s] lx+*]/
s] ldqtf, Ps klIfo k|]d xf] eG%]pm <

lhGbuLsf] Ps ;]s]G* ;f]Rof} <
ltd|f] lasf;, ltd|f] OHht, ltd|f] kl/jf/sf] ;+:sf/ s] xf] <
;f]Rof} ltdLn], /fh]z kf]v/]n h:tf]
;fdflhs sn+s clg Tof] j]Zof nf]Ug];+u lx+*]/ <

cfkm\gL :jf:gL;+u x/]s ;f+em k/:qLsf] nfuL
h'jf/L v]n]/ dfO{t hfg afWo agfpg]
ta t b'lgof+sf] %f]/L;+u
xf]^n clg /]i^/f+df /f]dfG;sf] gf^s ug]{

kfl/jf/Ls, ;fdflhs clg k]zfut gk'+;s;+u
ldn]/, s] kfof} b'lgof+sf] j]Zof nf]Ug];+u
u', u' g} uGxfp+%
dl^\^t]n %s]{ klg, cQ/ %s]{ klg

ltdL &Ls %f} / lyof} klg,
t/ Tof] j]Zof k'?ifsf] ;+ut gu/Lb]pm
unt ;+utn] ;xLnfO{ klg unt agfOlbG%
x]/ dnfO{ < ltdL ltdLnfO{ g} x]/ 

s;}n] e*\sfOlbof] clg e*\lsof} ltdL < === 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

cf*df, Tof] h's]sf] cf*df .

s;}sf] lhGbuLsf] ofbuf/ knx?df
; ;fgf v';Lx? a^'n]/ ;fl^/x+bf
s;}sf] lhGbuLsf] cy{x?df
lgoldt /é / pdéx? %l//x+bf ..

cfkm' alx/{uldt x'+b}%' eGg] a'em\g g;Sg'
zfob cfkm\gf] lhGbuLsf] ;a}eGbf &"nf] e'n u/]%'
tLtf] oyfy{sf] cfef; t ta kfO{of]
ha :jfy{ leq, e"m& g} dfq #f]n]/ lknfO{P% cfk'mnfO{ ..

cf*df, dfq Tof] h's]sf] cf*df
xf]^n xf]^ndf, /]i^/f+ clg klg /]i^/f+x?df
b'lgof+sf] nf]Ug]sf] O{R%f kl/k"lt{
clg p;s} :jf:gLsf] l;p+bf]sf] dof{bf ljk/Lt ..

cfkm\gf] rl/q bf]xg eO{/x+bf
s'g cfdf afa', bfh' efO{, ;fyL efO{ clg cfkmGtn]
Tof] ;+:sf/ c+ufn]sf] x'+bf] xf] <
cf*df, Tof] h's]sf] cf*df, cfkm\gf] k]zf / O{Hht a]lr/x+bf <<<

Friday, March 9, 2018

b]lv;\ lrDkflGh < t]/f] ldqtf, cf]O{ b]lv;\ <

s;}sf] lhGbuLdf /f]dfG; Nofpg]
s;}sf] k'n kf] e}P5
ab\lnFbf] ;fyLsf] nflu t Pp6f
kfun lrDkflGh kf] e}P5

p;sf] nflu t, b'lgofFsf] nf]Ug] g} Kof/f] lyof]
;fyL t s]jn p;sf nflu ;:tf] gfd dfq} lyof]
y"tL /xFbf Tof] ldqtfsf] :kGwg, Ps kl5 csf]{ u/L
cfkm}nfO{ kf] Ps kIfLo k|]dsf] em"7f] ljifdf 3f]lnP5

/Lt t k'/\ofP/} zfob kG5fPsf] x'g'k5{
gq t,
Kffunkg s;}sf] g}ltsxLg nf]Ug]sf] nflu ;dk{0f x'g] lyPg
x'g] lyof] zfob cfkm\g} cfkm\gf clg k'/fgf;Fu

km]/L Tof] p;sf nflu zfob k'/fgf t ;fyL slxNo} lyPgg\
tL t cfl/;] dfq lyP, clg s;}sf] :s'6/df a:g kNs]sf
clg s;}sf] nf]Ug]sf] k/:qL :jfy{;Fu hf]8\g
cxf] /fq ef]s} ltv}{ nflbPsf

Tof] p;nfO{ s] yfxf, ;fyL slt bf}l8/x]sf] lyof], ;u}F eP klg geP klg
cfkm\gL ;fyLsf] O{R5f / ;kgf k'/f ug{ zfob
lkmhLsn t b'lgofFsf] nf]Ug] g lyof] ;Fu ;Fu}
vf]qmf] efpm df s;}sf] nf]Ug] l/hfpg p;s} :jf:gLsf] l;pFbf];Fu v]Nb} ubf{

jfx, s's'/ kf] e}P5
glhs eP klg geP klg
cfk'm b'Mvdf eP klg geP klg
Tofu / ;dk{0f Pp6f ldqtf lgefpg nflu kbf{ ...

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Alice, 16

The agony has not burnt to ashes yet
The day has become a remembrance
Remember, December 14, 2016

Hurt with lies and lies
When the truth were deceived
Had it been a nightmare,

I would have swallowed during July
All such moments of sacrifices; much earlier
I will be waiting for you would become

Single, instead of someone's play
Marked - because there is a deep cut
Somewhere inside, not will be shared though

I will be waiting for you
December 14, 2016, ALICE

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

lans'n /fh]z kf]v/]n - s'g} Pp^f ;fdflhs kfq _ h:tf g}tLs ktg ePsf ;dfhsf ls/fx?df cfwfl/t n]v .

v]nf*L sf] / bf]if s;sf]<

h;/L %f]/f %f]/LnfO{ yfx x¤'b}g ls cfk'mnfO{ hGdfpg] / x'sf{pg] cfdf afa'sf] Tof] lk¤*f / lhGbuLsf] Tof] ef]ufO{x? . To;/Lg} Pp^f nf]Ug]nfO{ cfkm\gf] :jf:gLsf] lk¤*f yfx x'g ;Sb}g / :jf:gLnfO{ klg cfkm\gf] nf]Ug]sf] O{R%f kQf nufpg ;f¤lRrs} d'lZsn x'G% . vf;df nf]Ug] :jf:gLsf] ;DaGw Pp^f k/d\ dLqsf], bfh" / alxgLsf], lblb / efOsf], afa' / %f]/Lsf], cfdf / %f]/fsf], ;u}¤ cUgLnfO{ ;fIfL /fv]/ vfPsf] s;dsf] cw{ cé ld;LPsf] zlQmzfnL lk)*sf] clg o:t} o:t} s'GgL s] s] hftLsf] h:tf] x'g" kg]{ xf] . ca k[i&e"ld la;fP/ ;f]em} ljifo j:t'df hfpm¤ .

Pp^f nf]Ug] dflg;nfO{ cfkm\gL :jf:gLsf] k|;j lk¤*f slxNo} yfx x'¤b}g lsgsL k|;j lk¤*f t s]jn :jf:gL dflg;nfO{ dfq} x'G% . nf]Ug] dflg;nfO{ t s]jn :jf:gL dflg;;¤usf] Entertainment dfq cg'elt x'G% / ToxL afgL nfu]sf] x'G% . ha cfkm\gL :jf:gL uef{j:yfdf x'G%], pm;¤usf] Entertainment x'g ;Sb}g, nf]Ug] dflg;x? sdhf]/ x'G%g\ of] dfdnfdf To;}sf/)f t pgLx? /ft /fte/ To;}sf] vf]hLdf ef¤}tfl/G%g\ . sltko cj:yfdf Entertainment ldn]g eg] /ft lbge/ tf; v]Ng], /S;L lkpg] / To:t} l;ldt lglh :jfy{ k'/f ug{df /dfPsf x'G%g\ . pgLx?nfO{ ToxL dgk%{, / kl% afgL x'G% / To;sf/)f #/df cfkm\gL :jf:gLn] ksfPsf] crf/, emf]n, t/sf/L / eft jfSs nfUg yfN% .

k|;j lk¤*fsf] avt s'g} klg :jf:gLn] cfkm\gf] nf]Ug]n] ;fy b]cf];\, ;u¤} xf];\, efjgfTds ?kdf hf]*LPsf] xf];\, eGg] rfx]sL x'G%] lsgsL lk¤*f t p;n] j]xf]g}{ k%{ t/, ToxL lk¤*f x'b} ubf{ cfkm\gf] nf]Ug]n] ;fy / cflTdotf, clg ;fldKosf] Gofgf]kgn] yf]/} ePklg /fxt x'G% ls eGg] cfzdf x'G%] lsgsL Entertainment t ;f¤RrLs} b'j}hgfsf] ldn]dtf] / #if{)fdf ePsf] x'G% . o:t} ;fgf &"nf cg]sg b[i^fGt / PlSnPsf] e"d/Ldf x'G%g\ :jf:gL dflg;x? . lg)f{o zlQmdf cln sdhf]/ x'G%g\ :jf:gL dflg;x? / cfkm\gf] nf]Ug]n] plrt ;Nnfx b]cf];\ eGg] rfxG%g\ pgLx? t/ ahf/df xHhf/f¤} nfvf¤} To:t} s]^L dfG%]x? klg x'G%g\ hf];u¤ ltg} nf]Ug] dflg;x? nf]leP/ klNsPsf x'G%g\ /, af/Daf/ ;lNs/x]sf x'G%g\ #/df cfkm\gL :jf:gL kv]{/ a;]sL%] eGg] yfx eP/ klg .

oxf¤ bf]if s;sf] < Tof] :jf:gL dflg;sf], hf] cfkm\gf] nf]Ug]sf] rfxgfnfO{ :jLsf/ ubf{ ub}{ klg To:tf afWotfsf lzsf/ x'G%g\ / la:tf/} nf]Ug]sf] lkmtnf] k|s[lt / aflgsf] lzsf/ x'G%g\ < Tof] nf]Ug] dflg;sf], h;n] clUg ;fIfL /fv]/ ;ft hGd;Ddg} ;fy lbg] afrf u/]/ NofPsf] x'G% t/ klg cfkm\gL :jf:gL PlSnP/ %^\k^fP/ /f]Psf] cfjfhx? g;'lg csL{ s]^Ldf nf]lePsf] x'G% / Entertainment sf] vf]hLdf lzsf/ ug{ lg:s]sf] x'G% < of Tof] s]^Lsf] h;nfO{ yfx %, eljZodf of lhGbuLsf] s'g} t s'g} ljGb'df k'u]/ pm klg ToxL :jf:gL dflg;sf] lk¤*faf^ u'H/Lg'kg]{ x'G% / &\ofSs} To:t} e'd/Ldf lklN;g'kg]{ x'G% t/ klg s;}sf] nf]Ug]sf] Entertainment sf] lzsf/ x'g /fhL x'G%g\ < clg nf]Ug]x? ;Demg] u%{g\, p;sf] sg} kfalGb %}g . oxf¤ bf]if s;sf] <

j}jflxs ;DaGw s;}sf] lghL lhGbuL x'g} ;Sb}g clg s'g} nf]Ug]sf] k]jf of lghL ;DkQL :jf:gL dflg; x'g ;Sb}g . j}jflxs ;DaGw lgtfGt ;fdflhs k/Dk/f xf] . xfd|f] ;¤:sf/ / ;dfh olt klg lu/]sf] %}g ls s;}sf] unt JofVof / unt k|efjdf ;Dk")f{ cy{g} plN^cf];\ . :jf:gL dflg;sf] cfkm\g} agfj^, lk¤*f / cfjZstf x'G%g\ . To:t} nf]Ug] dflg;sf] klg, t/ lghL Zjfy{ k'lt{sf] nflu s;}sf] %f]/Lsf] lhGbuL k|of]u ug{ s'g rf¤xL nf]Ug] dflg;sf] k?:jfy{ xf] eGg] a'emfO{sf] uxgtf s]nfpg h?/L x'G% . Pp^f k"/f lhjgrqmdf :jf:gL dflg;x? ljleGg e'ldsf lgjf{x u%{g\ t/ ;dfhdf a'emfO{sf] sld ePs} sf/)f, ;DaGwdf cflTdotf, Gofgf]kg, lhDd]jf/Ljf]w h:tf Abstract -gb]lvg] t/ Feel x'g]_ s'/fdf r'ls/x]sf] x'G% j}jflxs ;DaGw . ;dfhdf zfob nf]Ug] dflg;sf] cf*Da/sf sf/)f k/:k/ ;DaGw eGbf k/:qL ;DaGw df}nfpg] u/]sf] dxz"; x'G% . To:t} s'g} klg ;DaGw g} lsg gxf];\ Tof] Ifl)fs ;DaGw s;}sf] dhfssf] ljifo j:t' x'g ;Sb}g .

Sunday, November 5, 2017


-         A case observed from Prabhu Bank Ltd.

Corporate sectors of every country represents a part of dynamic economy. Accompanying the economy for social welfare through accountable governance and ethical values of management towards its stakeholders is called the responsible business conduct. Therefore, corporate sectors cannot only be defined being screws and jacks of an economic system rather should be considered as the drivers as well. These drivers completely rely upon the managers who unconditionally owes moral values, responsibility and multi-fold features apart from corporate mission and vision to stimulate limited resources as input and achieve desired outcome. Managers’ overall spheres (both intrinsic and extrinsic) are derived by the corporate policy in which the Human Resource (HR) system plays an important role. The HR Management System is a part of whole organizational structure guided and implemented by executives, managers, and stakeholders to attain various objectives of an organization. HR System is only such unit consisting of manager as a leader, therefore, in the eyes of such managers inputs are employees and employees are assets from whom generation of output is possible. Such inputs are limited under the guidance of limited policy formulated by the administration. So, managing employee assets is a very complicated task.

Human Resource Management is commonly understood as the management of employees within an organization that includes from the need and procedures of recruitment, job analysis, placement, allocation and assignment, succession planning and retirement and so on. In a simpler term, Human Resource Management is managing persons and their placement. Given the conditional fact that there may be numerous standard definitions; the genuine understanding of Human Resource Management are only two things:

i) Person Who Works
ii) Person Where S/He Works

This is how each micro level enterprise to the biggest corporate houses run.

As part of the ethical HR Management System of the corporate sector, ethics is very hard to define and is rather a vague term because in an organization where hundreds and thousands of employees work together under the same policy, managers always go short circuit. Each day HR Managers are challenged by their job because controlling the sense of human beings and using them to attain corporate mission is difficult. Not only difficult it is an abusive work to handle grievances and dissatisfaction on various grounds. Thus, management of such an abusive work is not a joke. Here managers should be tactful, unbiased, sometimes restrictive, and sometimes liberal to arrange every working mechanism to comply values of every blueprint policy of an organization.

During press meet and Annual General Meetings all corporate house managers often announce with an honor and pride that every success and outcomes is the collective effort of their valued employees. But in the grounds of reality, managers owe credit worthiness because they continuously push up employees for the maintenance of compliance, accountability, and ethos of set mission, vision and values of their organization. As such, one should understand that every managers are the part of organizational system and administration guided by the Human Resource Framework (HRF). The morale and efficiency of every wise managers leads result – oriented, happy employees with relatively progressive outcome. On this regard, it also should not be overlooked that low income earners also have equally efficient managers and happy employees. The work culture and environment in practice plays a vital role in the corporate sector.

Ethics are moral principles that governs a person’s behavior. While conducting any activity person’s behavior and intuition are tested during work accomplishment. The intuition and behavior is a moral principle called ethics. Therefore, professional ethics of an employee may be characterized by the honesty, integrity, accountability, confidentiality, and discipline both inside and outside the organization. Professional ethics encompass personal, organizational and corporate standard of behavior. So, HR Management System are supposed to set professional framework for each employee however there is no certain limitations on being ethically professional because the aim, objectives, nature of aggression, public and family relations of each employee differs from one another. Even it contrasts with the set framework. In the ethical professional environment, abstract factors like,

i) Conflict of Interest
ii) Corporate Politics
iii) Intentions and Motives

plays a crucial role for maintaining a peaceful working environment. These factors are uncontrollable through limited policy but can be administered through corporate disciplinary action. Every employee’s personal life and periphery differs from each other. Intentions and vested motives to influence any one employee’s personal behavior, character, domestic life and freedom, biasness, unwanted affairs, harassment, etc. does not fall under the magnifying glass of HR Managers therefore in corporate houses such things should be magnified in order to minimize negativity. This discipline would then only encourage better productivity and satisfied employees. Similarly, corporate politics inside an organization give rise to unconditional chaos concerning favoritism, biased positioning, placement recommendation, promotions and delegation of authority to wrong employee resulting unethical professional practice. This is a loophole in the organizational system, thus whole management structure and division of work will be affected. Every individual has their own reason and potentiality to perform any task given. Their techniques, capabilities, interest, factor of motivation, and such numerous abstract qualities differs creating conflict of interest if the same task has been divided among individual employees. Sometimes greed, egotism, attitudes and undue influence from one to other can also create conflict of interest. Generally Executives and HR Managers overlook these abstract factors which may be the root cause of organizational failure.

In context to the banking industry in Nepal, from the recent banking practice, merger and integration have brought a lot of changes and challenge to the HR Management System. The set up rules and regulations, policies, manuals, practices, environment and diversities of human resources from each institution varies from one to another. Obviously, in the course of integration, the two or more different set-up environment bringing under same roof is one most complicated task. There, one’s resources and practices does not complement to the other. Systematization and harmonization to stimulate both employees and work for common objectives has become an absolute challenge even now and then; the set of placement, delegation of authority, training employees, developing job potentiality and skills and so on to reform management structure should be tactful and justified. Actually, in private banks accountability of Board of Directors and management is observed being limited with some policy lacking to restrict them until whole integration process is completely. Handling over the keys for some returns can be interpreted as only the transfer of ownership, ethically, it should not be the total transfer of risk and responsibility. If so is continued, this sort of malpractice creates monopoly and coalition among executives, management personnel, shareholders and employees. Similarly, ethical practice at banks have to be optimally implemented so that wrong and incapable employees are not provided with authority. In case of excess and short number of employees in one department does not also mean to dump at another department. The degree of sensitiveness of a department, capacity of employee to respond to such sensitiveness, confidential, knowledgeable and skilled employee at the right place may be overlooked due to dumping practice even though it is managed for short period of time. Frequent change and transfer of employees also does not reflect managed work culture. Therefore, abstract factors that are hidden but affects environment pertaining to conflict of interest, intentional motives, corporate politics, workplace affairs, sexual harassment, one’s dominance and influence over other colleague, chaos and corporate rumors breed does not symbolize ethical practice and organizational culture professional.

In real practice, above abstract factors played negative role in management system to understand their human resource in proper place. Despite organizational effort and outcome being revealed from financial figures be progressive or regressive but ethics in corporate profession is certainly a question mark to the HR Managers, Executives, Department Chiefs and even employees. Even though, policies and frameworks so enacted limits corporate mechanisms in place but satisfied employees will be found to be relatively in a lower number. Meanwhile, favoritism and strong influence over colleagues for vested motive may result into authority delegation in the wrong hand. For better corporate management structure such malpractice should be abolished at utmost level through disciplinary action. Employees to their colleagues should also be reliable, honest and discipline rather provoking and poking into others personal life. Satisfied employees always manages personal and professional balance with high integrity. Thus HR Managers should be very much careful while handling human resources for better and ethical professional culture at every corporate sectors.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

ulx/f] ldqtf clg, ck;f];\ lht / xf/ .

ltd|f] lht eof]
clg d]/f] xf/    ..

ltdL v';L ;f^\b} /S;L lk¤p%f}
d xf/ lgNb} cf¤z" lk¤p%'     ..

t/ klg,
d v';L %' x[bo b]lvg}
ltd|f] lhtdf     ..

klG%P/ klg k|fy{gf ub{%'
d ltd|f] v';L / ;d[l$sf] ..

gnufpm unt cy{ d]/f] ldqtfsf]
gs]nfpm cg]s cy{x?, axsfpmdf k/]/ ..

d klg emg{ ;S%', ltdL klg emg{ ;S%f}
t/, #fpm el/g w]/} ;do nfUg ;S% ..

;do d"Nojfg %,
Jj¤f;f] h:t} :jfyL{ %g\ dfG%]x?  ..

lglnlbP¤ t d}n] cf¤z"
xfl/lbP¤ t d}n] klg     ..

ltd|f] v';Ldf /S;L lknfpg
ca t v';L %f} s] ltdL <

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Venom when treated carefully becomes a medicine
And when misused becomes the cause of death

Bastard (Rajesh Pokharel) misused and mis-utilized the same
Testing at his own family
Who had been happily living since several years

Injecting venom for the short term fantasy
Is what your sins reveals you son of a bitch
You used someone innocent & someone’s daughter
What intentions and expectations you benefited for the innocent?
Question mark to your character Mr. Bastard?

One experiment can cause serious damages
And you f**king piece of shit don’t even understand
What have caused to lives of more than 5 peoples?
What the f**k did you want to prove yourself?
Bloody bastard? What the f**king experience you have?

Poking into the lives of innocent person
Asking and inquiring about character in front of everyone
What professionalism have you developed?
Whose importance did you want to seek?
You bloody hell Khate Rajesh Pokharel?

Time & again and time & again
You will be slapped brutally & be made naked
This is the promise of time
Your vengeance of sickness to the memorable day
Are ending with memorable slaps to your life
Note this down! You cold bloody bastard

Your open publicity & spread rumors
Your use to fantasize someone’s daughter
Will cost you as much more than your life
Just mind it time & again you fucking freak

Finally, you want to escape
Plotting the politics and scandals in professionalism
Wearing the mask of image
And assaulting someone who wasn’t on the script
Asking 5 Million to satisfy for your personal interest
Injecting venom in your own partner’s mind
And trying to fulfill your fantasies with someone’s daughter
You are “a person of unsound mind, a fraud, a corrupt
You bloody "KHATE BEGGAR" Rajesh Pokharel

What under fucking slut management do you work at?
Which doesn’t even have an ethical professionalism
You along with your profession is fraud!
Just mind it, you piece of shit?